Candidate Kid chronicles the adventures of Rhea Justice, a twelve-year old girl like many twelve-year-old girls —
sharp and precocious at times, shy and awkward at others. Until now, Rhea’s life has consisted of hanging with her
best friend Ashley, going to school, agonizing over her crush on a boy in the neighborhood, and putting up with her
pesky little brother.
Rhea lives in the town of Norman. While Norman isn’t the smallest of small towns, it’s still the kind of place
you’d move your family to, hoping to escape the crime and violence of the big city. Unfortunately, these very problems
are surprisingly on the upswing in Norman, a fact that hasn’t escaped the notice of young Rhea.
Rhea discovers that many of the adults in Norman are in denial — “these kinds of problems just don’t happen here.”
Worse still, Rhea realizes that Norman’s incumbent mayor is more concerned about getting re-elected than acknowledging
a rising crime problem.
Rhea turns to her always wise and insightful grandmother for advice. Grandma reminds Rhea that “The great leaders of
the world are those who act not react .”
So Rhea does what any normal twelve-year-old girl would do in a situation like this — she decides to run for mayor!
To Rhea’s amazement, there is no law in Norman specifying a minimum age for a mayoral candidate. Still, she realizes
that it will take all the cleverness she can muster to convince the people of Norman to vote for her over the incumbent
mayor. So enlisting the help of Ashley, her schoolmates, and her grandmother, she begins a political campaign you will
not soon forget.